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World Text


Actor used to display text in the world


The WorldText uses the following components:

Name Description Type
Container Actor used to display text in the world USceneComponent*
TriggerComponent The trigger used to activate the text UBoxComponent*
TextWidgetComponent The text widget responsible for displaying the text UWidgetComponent*

API Reference


Property Description Type Default Value
WordWidgetClass The class used to create the word widget TSubclassOf<UWorldTextWordWidget>
LetterWidgetClass The class used to create the letter widget TSubclassOf<UWorldTextLetterWidget>
bIsDisabled Is the trigger disabled? bool false
Text The text that should be displayed FText
Sound The sound to play when activating the text USoundBase* nullptr
bPlaySoundAtActor Should the audio be played at the actor's location? bool false
ActivateOnDestroy An array of world text actors to activate when this text actor is destroyed TArray<AWorldText*>
EnableOnDestroy An array of world text actors to enable when this text actor is destroyed TArray<AWorldText*>


Name Description Params Return
Activate Activate the text
CanActorTriggerText Can the actor trigger the text? Actor (AActor*)
The actor to check
A boolean value indicating if the actor can trigger the text

Blueprint Usage

You can use the WorldText using Blueprints by adding one of the following nodes:

  • Ultimate Starter Kit > Narrative > Activate
  • Ultimate Starter Kit > Narrative > Can Actor Trigger Text

C++ Usage

Before you can use the plugin, you first need to enable the plugin in your Build.cs file:


The WorldText can now be used in any of your C++ files:

#include "USK/Narrative/WorldText.h"

void ATestActor::Test()
    // WorldText is a pointer to the AWorldText
    bool CanActorTriggerTextValue = WorldText->CanActorTriggerText(Actor);