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Base Character


Base character class


The USKCharacter relies on other components of this plugin to work:

  • Logger: Used to log useful information to help you debug any issues you might experience
  • Audio: Used to play sound effects either 2D or at a specified location

Camera Clipping

Sometimes parts of the character mesh or weapon might clip when close to the camera (especially while aiming). This can be fixed by changing Set Near Clip Plane to 0.1 in your project settings


The USKCharacter uses the following components:

Name Description Type
CameraComponent The camera used by the character UCameraComponent*
SpringArmComponent The spring arm component responsible for controlling the distance of the camera USpringArmComponent*
CrouchTimeline The timeline component used for smooth crouching UTimelineComponent*
ProneTimeline The timeline component used for smooth proning UTimelineComponent*
AimTimeline The timeline component used for aiming UTimelineComponent*
LookAtCenterTimeline The timeline component used to look at the center of the screen UTimelineComponent*

API Reference


Property Description Type Default Value
InputMappingContext The input mapping context used by the character UInputMappingContext* nullptr
MoveAction The move input action UInputAction* nullptr
LookAroundAction The camera rotation input action UInputAction* nullptr
JumpAction The jump input action UInputAction* nullptr
SprintAction The sprint input action UInputAction* nullptr
FireWeaponAction The fire weapon input action UInputAction* nullptr
AimAction The aim down sights input action UInputAction* nullptr
EquipNextWeaponAction The equip next weapon input action UInputAction* nullptr
EquipPreviousWeaponAction The equip previous weapon input action UInputAction* nullptr
ReloadWeaponAction The reload weapon input action UInputAction* nullptr
CrouchAction The crouch input action UInputAction* nullptr
ProneAction The prone input action UInputAction* nullptr
LeanAction The lean input action UInputAction* nullptr
InteractAction The interact input action UInputAction* nullptr
SwitchCameraPerspectiveAction The switch camera perspective input action UInputAction* nullptr
CameraPerspective The camera perspective used by the character ECameraPerspective
bCanSwitchCameraPerspectives Can the character switch perspectives? bool true
bSmoothCameraRotation Should the camera rotation be smooth or instant? bool false
SmoothCameraRotationSpeed The speed used to smooth the camera rotations float 5.0f
HeadSocketName The name of the head socket used to attach the camera in the first person perspective FName
CameraAttachOffset The offset of the camera after attaching to the head FVector
TargetArmLength Length of the spring arm component float 350.0f
ArmLengthMultiplier The multiplier applied to the spring arm component when the character is moving float 0.4f
CameraAdjustmentSpeed The speed used when adjusting the camera distance float 3.0f
ShadowDecalClass The shadow decal class used to draw a shadow below the character while in the air TSubclassOf<AShadowDecal>
JumpSoundEffects An array of sound effects played when jumping TArray<USoundBase*>
JumpParticleFx The particle effects spawned when jumping UNiagaraSystem* nullptr
JumpParticleFxSpawnOffset The offset applied to the location of the jump particles when spawning FVector
LandedSoundEffects An array of sound effects played when landing TArray<USoundBase*>
LandParticleFx The particle effects spawned when landing UNiagaraSystem* nullptr
LandParticleFxSpawnOffset The offset applied to the location of the land particles when spawning FVector
VariableJumpHeight Does the character support variable jump height? bool true
VariableJumpHeightMaxHoldTime The amount of time to hold the jump button to reach the max height float 0.3f
JumpVelocity The velocity applied to the character when jumping float 500.0f
AirControl The amount of lateral movement control available to the character while in the air float 1000.0f
FallingFriction The amount of friction to apply to lateral air movement when falling float 3.5f
Gravity The amount of gravity applied to the character float 2.0f
CanDoubleJump Can the character perform a double jump? bool true
CanCoyoteJump Does the character support coyote time when trying to jump? bool true
CoyoteJumpTime The amount of coyote time for the character float 0.375f
CoyoteJumpVelocity The velocity applied to the character when performing a coyote jump float 700.0f
bCanStompJump Can the character perform a high jump directly after landing from a stomp? bool true
StompJumpDuration The duration after the stomp that the character can perform the stomp jump float 0.35f
StompJumpVelocity The velocity applied to the character when performing a stomp jump float 1250.0f
bCanCrouchJump Can the character perform a high jump while crouching? bool true
CrouchJumpVelocity The velocity applied to the character when performing a crouch jump float 1250.0f
IsDoubleJumping Is the character double jumping? bool false
bCanLongJump Is the character allowed to perform a long jump? bool true
LongJumpVelocity The velocity applied to the character during a long jump FVector FVecto
MovementSpeed The default movement speed float 600.0f
BrakingFriction Friction coefficient applied when braking float 10.0f
MaxAcceleration The rate of change of velocity float 2500.0f
bSmoothMovement Should the movement be smooth or instant? bool false
SmoothMovementSpeed The speed used to smooth the movement float 5.0f
bCanSprint Can the character sprint? bool true
SprintSpeed The movement speed while the character is sprinting float 950.0f
bSprintRequiresStamina Does sprinting require stamina? bool false
SprintStaminaStatName The name of the stamina stat used for sprinting FName
SprintStaminaUseRate The amount of stamina used per second while sprinting float 20.0f
bCanCrouch Can the character crouch? bool true
bHoldToCrouch Should the crouch/prone action be held down to crouch? bool true
CrouchSpeed The movement speed while the character is crouching float 300.0f
CrouchCurve The float curve used for smooth crouching UCurveFloat* nullptr
bCanProne Can the character prone? bool true
bHoldToProne Should the crouch/prone action be held down to prone? bool true
ProneTraceHeight The height of the trace used to check if the character can prone float 5.0f
ProneTraceOffsetZ The Z-offset of the trace used to check if the character can prone float -20.0f
ProneMoveTraceSizeMultiplier The multiplier applied to the trace size when the character is moving while proning float 0.5f
ProneSpeed The movement speed while the character is proning float 100.0f
ProneCurve The float curve used for smooth proning UCurveFloat* nullptr
bCanStomp Can the character perform a stomp? bool true
MinAirTimeBeforeStomping The minimum air time before the character can perform a stomp float 0.3f
StompVelocity The velocity applied to the character after performing a stomp float -5000.0f
StompZeroGravityDuration The amount of time the character will be in zero gravity after performing a stomp float 0.5f
StompLandVelocity The velocity applied to the character when landing after performing a stomp float 750.0f
StompRecoveryTime The time it takes (in seconds) before the character recovers from a stomp and can move again float 0.25f
StompCameraShake The camera shake applied when performing a stomp TSubclassOf<UCameraShakeBase>
bCanLean Can the character lean? bool true
LeanSpeed The speed used when leaning float 5.0f
LeanOffset The offset applied to the camera when leaning float 50.0f
LeanRotation The rotation applied to the camera when leaning float 25.0f
bLookAtCenterWhileIdle Should the character automatically rotate to look at the center of the screen while idle? bool true
MaxLookAtCenterRotationWhileIdle The maximum rotation that can be applied while looking at the center of the screen while idle float 90.0f
bLookAtCenterWhileRunning Should the character automatically rotate to look at the center of the screen while running? bool true
MaxLookAtCenterRotationWhileRunning The maximum rotation that can be applied while looking at the center of the screen while running float 90.0f
bLookAtCenterWhileSprinting Should the character automatically rotate to look at the center of the screen while sprinting? bool true
MaxLookAtCenterRotationWhileSprinting The maximum rotation that can be applied while looking at the center of the screen while sprinting float 90.0f
bLookAtCenterWhileCrouching Should the character automatically rotate to look at the center of the screen while crouching? bool true
MaxLookAtCenterRotationWhileCrouching The maximum rotation that can be applied while looking at the center of the screen while crouching float 60.0f
bLookAtCenterWhileProning Should the character automatically rotate to look at the center of the screen while proning? bool true
MaxLookAtCenterRotationWhileProning The maximum rotation that can be applied while looking at the center of the screen while proning float 45.0f
LookAtCenterCurve The float curve used to look at the center of the screen UCurveFloat* nullptr
bCanSlide Can the character perform a slide? bool true
SlideSpeed The movement speed while the character is sliding float 2500.0f
bSlideRequiresSprinting Does sliding require the character to sprint? bool false
SlideMinSpeed The minimum movement speed before a slide is allowed float 400.0f
SlidingTime The time the character is allowed to slide float 0.5f
SlidingCooldown The cooldown after a slide before another slide can be performed float 0.5f
SlideSoundEffects The sound effect played when the character is sliding TArray<USoundBase*>
MaxWeapons The maximum amount of weapons that the character can carry int 2
DefaultWeaponClass The default weapon the character will equip on spawn TSubclassOf<AWeapon>
AimCurve The float curve used for aiming UCurveFloat* nullptr
DefaultCrosshair The default crosshair to use if no weapon is equipped UCrosshairConfig* nullptr


Name Description Params
OnCurrentWeaponUpdated Event used to notify other classes when the weapon is updated Weapon (AWeapon*)
The current weapon used by the character

Ammo (AWeapon*)
The amount of ammo remaining

ReloadAmmo (AWeapon*)
The amount of ammo that can be used to reload the weapon
OnCrosshairUpdated Event used to notify other classes that the crosshair is updated Crosshair (UCrosshairConfig*)
The current crosshair config


Name Description Params Return
GetCameraComponent Get the camera used by the character UCameraComponent*
The camera used by the character
GetSpringArmComponent Get the spring arm component of the character USpringArmComponent*
The spring arm component responsible for controlling the distance of the camera
GetCameraPerspective Get the current camera perspective ECameraPerspective
The current camera perspective
UpdateCameraPerspective Update the current camera perspective NewCameraPerspective (ECameraPerspective)
The new camera perspective
SwitchCameraPerspective Switch the current camera perspective
SetWeapon Set the current weapon used by the character NewWeapon (AWeapon*)
The new weapon
GetWeapon Get the current weapon used by the character AWeapon*
The current weapon used by the character
HasWeapon Check if the character has a weapon bool
A boolean value indicating if the character has a weapon
IsCrouching Check if the character is crouching bool
A boolean value indicating if the character is crouching
IsProning Check if the character is proning bool
A boolean value indicating if the character is proning
IsEndingCrouch Check if the character is busy ending the crouch bool
A boolean value indicating if the character is busy ending the crouch
IsEndingProne Check if the character is busy ending the prone bool
A boolean value indicating if the character is busy ending the prone
IsStomping Check if the character is stomping bool
A boolean value indicating if the character is stomping
IsStompStarting Check if the character is starting to stomp bool
A boolean value indicating if the character is starting to stomp
GetLeanCameraRoll Get the current lean camera roll float
The current lean camera roll
GetLookAtCenterRotation Get the look at center rotation float
The look at center rotation
IsSliding Check if the character is sliding bool
A boolean value indicating if the character is sliding
IsEndingSlide Check if the character is busy ending the slide bool
A boolean value indicating if the character is busy ending the slide
GetInteractTrigger Get the current interact trigger UInteractTrigger*
The current interact trigger
UpdateInteractTrigger Update the current interact trigger NewInteractTrigger (UInteractTrigger*)
The new interact trigger
OnWeaponUpdated Called when the current weapon is updated
OnNewWeaponEquipped Called when a new weapon is equipped for the first time Weapon (AWeapon*)
The new weapon that was equipped
IsAiming Check if the character is aiming bool
A boolean value indicating if the character is aiming
GetCrosshair Get the crosshair configuration UCrosshairConfig*
The crosshair configuration
GetWeaponSway Get the current weapon sway rotation FRotator
The current weapon sway rotation
StartFiringWeapon Start firing the current weapon
StopFiringWeapon Stop firing the current weapon
EquipNextWeapon Equip the next weapon in the list of available weapons
EquipPreviousWeapon Equip the previous weapon in the list of available weapons
StartCrouching Start crouching
StopCrouching Stop crouching
StartProning Start proning
StopProning Stop proning
UpdateCharacterMeshLocationWhileCrouching Update the character mesh location while crouching SizeDifference (float)
The difference between the original capsule size and the crouched capsule size

Blueprint Usage

There is no additional functions exposed to Blueprints. Just create the character and add it to your level