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Credits Widget


Widget used to display multiple animated credits entries using different alignment options and durations


The CreditsWidget relies on other components of this plugin to work:

  • Logger: Used to log useful information to help you debug any issues you might experience

Required Widgets

You need to add the following before you can compile the CreditsWidget widget:

Name Description Type
Root The root container of the widget UPanelWidget*
Container The container used to display the credits entries UPanelWidget*
Text The text block used to display the text of the credits entry UTextBlock*

Optional Widgets

You can add the following widgets to enable extra functionality:

Name Description Type
Title The text block used to display the title of the credits entry UTextBlock*

Optional Animations

You can add the following widgets to enable extra functionality:

Name Description
ShowAnimation The animation played each time a new entry is shown
HideAnimation The animation played at the end of each entry

API Reference


Property Description Type Default Value
ShowAnimation The animation played each time a new entry is shown UWidgetAnimation* nullptr
HideAnimation The animation played at the end of each entry UWidgetAnimation* nullptr
AutoStart Should the credits automatically be started when the widget is constructed? bool true
RemoveOnCompletion Should the widget automatically be removed from the viewport when the credits are finished? bool true
StartDelay The delay in seconds before the first credits entry is shown after starting float 1.0f
DelayBetweenEntries The delay in seconds between the previous hide animation and the next show animation float 3.0f
Credits The array of credits entries to be displayed TArray<FCreditsEntry>


Name Description Params
OnCreditsFinished Event used to notify other classes when the credits are finished
OnCreditsNextEntryStarted Event used to notify other classes every time a next entry is started Name (int)
The index of the entry that was started


Name Description Params Return
Start Start showing the credits

Blueprint Usage

You can use the CreditsWidget using Blueprints by adding one of the following nodes:

  • Ultimate Starter Kit > UI > Start

C++ Usage

Before you can use the plugin, you first need to enable the plugin in your Build.cs file:


The CreditsWidget can now be used in any of your C++ files:

#include "USK/Widgets/CreditsWidget.h"

void ATestActor::Test()
    // CreditsWidget is a pointer to the UCreditsWidget