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The configuration used for managing settings

API Reference


Property Description Type Default Value
GameplayDifficultyImplementation The implementation for the gameplay difficulty setting TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGameplayDifficulty::StaticClas
GameplayDifficultyText The text displayed in the gameplay difficulty settings item FText
GameplayDifficultyOptions The array of gameplay difficulty options TArray<FText>
GameplayDifficultyDefault The default gameplay difficulty value int 0
AudioMasterImplementation The implementation for the audio master settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemAudioMaster::StaticClas
AudioMasterSoundMix The sound mix used to manage all sound classes USoundMix* nullptr
AudioMasterText The text displayed in the master audio settings item FText
AudioMasterMin The minimum value for the master audio settings item float 0.0f
AudioMasterMax The maximum value for the master audio settings item float 100.0f
AudioMasterDefault The default value for the master audio settings item float 100.0f
AudioMusicImplementation The implementation for the audio music settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemAudioMusic::StaticClas
AudioMusicSoundClass The sound class used by all music USoundClass* nullptr
AudioMusicText The text displayed in the music audio settings item FText
AudioMusicMin The minimum value for the music audio settings item float 0.0f
AudioMusicMax The maximum value for the music audio settings item float 100.0f
AudioMusicDefault The default value for the music audio settings item float 100.0f
AudioEffectsImplementation The implementation for the audio effects settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemAudioEffects::StaticClas
AudioEffectsSoundClass The sound class used by all effects USoundClass* nullptr
AudioEffectsText The text displayed in the effects audio settings item FText
AudioEffectsMin The minimum value for the effects audio settings item float 0.0f
AudioEffectsMax The maximum value for the effects audio settings item float 100.0f
AudioEffectsDefault The default value for the effects audio settings item float 100.0f
AudioUiImplementation The implementation for the audio UI settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemAudioUi::StaticClas
AudioUiSoundClass The sound class used by all UI USoundClass* nullptr
AudioUiText The text displayed in the UI audio settings item FText
AudioUiMin The minimum value for the UI audio settings item float 0.0f
AudioUiMax The maximum value for the UI audio settings item float 100.0f
AudioUiDefault The default value for the UI audio settings item float 100.0f
AudioVoiceImplementation The implementation for the audio voice settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemAudioVoice::StaticClas
AudioVoiceSoundClass The sound class used by all voice USoundClass* nullptr
AudioVoiceText The text displayed in the voice audio settings item FText
AudioVoiceMin The minimum value for the voice audio settings item float 0.0f
AudioVoiceMax The maximum value for the voice audio settings item float 100.0f
AudioVoiceDefault The default value for the voice audio settings item float 100.0f
GraphicsResolutionImplementation The implementation for the graphics resolution settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsResolution::StaticClas
GraphicsResolutionText The text displayed in the graphics resolution settings item FText
GraphicsFullscreenImplementation The implementation for the graphics fullscreen settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsFullscreen::StaticClas
GraphicsFullscreenText The text displayed in the graphics fullscreen settings item FText
GraphicsFullscreenEnabledText The text displayed when fullscreen is enabled FText
GraphicsFullscreenDisabledText The text displayed when fullscreen is disabled FText
GraphicsFullscreenDefault The default value of the fullscreen setting bool true
GraphicsViewDistanceImplementation The implementation for the graphics view distance settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsViewDistance::StaticClas
GraphicsViewDistanceText The text displayed in the graphics view distance settings item FText
GraphicsViewDistanceNearValueText The text displayed when the near value is used for the view distance setting FText
GraphicsViewDistanceMediumValueText The text displayed when the medium value is used for the view distance setting FText
GraphicsViewDistanceFarValueText The text displayed when the far value is used for the view distance setting FText
GraphicsViewDistanceEpicValueText The text displayed when the epic value is used for the view distance setting FText
GraphicsViewDistanceCinematicValueText The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the view distance setting FText
GraphicsViewDistanceDefault The default value of the view distance setting int 2
GraphicsAntiAliasingImplementation The implementation for the graphics anti-aliasing settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsAntiAliasing::StaticClas
GraphicsAntiAliasingText The text displayed in the graphics anti-aliasing settings item FText
GraphicsAntiAliasingLowValueText The text displayed when the low value is used for the anti-aliasing setting FText
GraphicsAntiAliasingMediumValueText The text displayed when the medium value is used for the anti-aliasing setting FText
GraphicsAntiAliasingHighValueText The text displayed when the high value is used for the anti-aliasing setting FText
GraphicsAntiAliasingEpicValueText The text displayed when the epic value is used for the anti-aliasing setting FText
GraphicsAntiAliasingCinematicValueText The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the anti-aliasing setting FText
GraphicsAntiAliasingDefault The default value of the anti-aliasing setting int 2
GraphicsPostProcessingImplementation The implementation for the graphics post processing settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsPostProcessing::StaticClas
GraphicsPostProcessingText The text displayed in the graphics post processing settings item FText
GraphicsPostProcessingLowValueText The text displayed when the low value is used for the post processing setting FText
GraphicsPostProcessingMediumValueText The text displayed when the medium value is used for the post processing setting FText
GraphicsPostProcessingHighValueText The text displayed when the high value is used for the post processing setting FText
GraphicsPostProcessingEpicValueText The text displayed when the epic value is used for the post processing setting FText
GraphicsPostProcessingCinematicValueText The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the post processing setting FText
GraphicsPostProcessingDefault The default value of the post processing setting int 2
GraphicsShadowQualityImplementation The implementation for the graphics shadow quality settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsShadowQuality::StaticClas
GraphicsShadowQualityText The text displayed in the graphics shadow quality settings item FText
GraphicsShadowQualityLowValueText The text displayed when the low value is used for the shadow quality setting FText
GraphicsShadowQualityMediumValueText The text displayed when the medium value is used for the shadow quality setting FText
GraphicsShadowQualityHighValueText The text displayed when the high value is used for the shadow quality setting FText
GraphicsShadowQualityEpicValueText The text displayed when the epic value is used for the shadow quality setting FText
GraphicsShadowQualityCinematicValueText The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the shadow quality setting FText
GraphicsShadowQualityDefault The default value of the shadow quality setting int 2
GraphicsTextureQualityImplementation The implementation for the graphics texture quality settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsTextureQuality::StaticClas
GraphicsTextureQualityText The text displayed in the graphics texture quality settings item FText
GraphicsTextureQualityLowValueText The text displayed when the low value is used for the texture quality setting FText
GraphicsTextureQualityMediumValueText The text displayed when the medium value is used for the texture quality setting FText
GraphicsTextureQualityHighValueText The text displayed when the high value is used for the texture quality setting FText
GraphicsTextureQualityEpicValueText The text displayed when the epic value is used for the texture quality setting FText
GraphicsTextureQualityCinematicValueText The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the texture quality setting FText
GraphicsTextureQualityDefault The default value of the texture quality setting int 2
GraphicsVisualEffectsImplementation The implementation for the graphics visual effects settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsVisualEffects::StaticClas
GraphicsVisualEffectsText The text displayed in the graphics visual effects settings item FText
GraphicsVisualEffectsLowValueText The text displayed when the low value is used for the visual effects setting FText
GraphicsVisualEffectsMediumValueText The text displayed when the medium value is used for the visual effects setting FText
GraphicsVisualEffectsHighValueText The text displayed when the high value is used for the visual effects setting FText
GraphicsVisualEffectsEpicValueText The text displayed when the epic value is used for the visual effects setting FText
GraphicsVisualEffectsCinematicValueText The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the visual effects setting FText
GraphicsVisualEffectsDefault The default value of the visual effects setting int 2
GraphicsShadingQualityImplementation The implementation for the graphics shading quality settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsShadingQuality::StaticClas
GraphicsShadingQualityText The text displayed in the graphics shading quality settings item FText
GraphicsShadingQualityLowValueText The text displayed when the low value is used for the shading quality setting FText
GraphicsShadingQualityMediumValueText The text displayed when the medium value is used for the shading quality setting FText
GraphicsShadingQualityHighValueText The text displayed when the high value is used for the shading quality setting FText
GraphicsShadingQualityEpicValueText The text displayed when the epic value is used for the shading quality setting FText
GraphicsShadingQualityCinematicValueText The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the shading quality setting FText
GraphicsShadingQualityDefault The default value of the shading quality setting int 2
GraphicsVsyncImplementation The implementation for the graphics vsync settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsVsync::StaticClas
GraphicsVsyncText The text displayed in the graphics vsync settings item FText
GraphicsVsyncEnabledText The text displayed when the vsync setting is enabled FText
GraphicsVsyncDisabledText The text displayed when the vsync setting is disabled FText
GraphicsVsyncDefault The default value of the vsync setting bool false
GraphicsFpsIndicatorImplementation The implementation for the graphics FPS indicator settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemGraphicsFpsIndicator::StaticClas
GraphicsFpsIndicatorText The text displayed in the graphics FPS indicator settings item FText
GraphicsFpsIndicatorEnabledText The text displayed when the FPS indicator setting is enabled FText
GraphicsFpsIndicatorDisabledText The text displayed when the FPS indicator setting is disabled FText
GraphicsFpsIndicatorDefault The default value of the FPS indicator setting bool false
AccessibilityColorBlindModeImplementation The implementation for the accessibility color blind mode settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemAccessibilityColorBlindMode::StaticClas
AccessibilityColorBlindModeText The text displayed in the accessibility color blind mode settings item FText
AccessibilityColorBlindModeNormalVisionText The text displayed when the normal vision value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting FText
AccessibilityColorBlindModeDeuteranopiaText The text displayed when the deuteranopia value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting FText
AccessibilityColorBlindModeDeuteranomalyText The text displayed when the deuteranomaly value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting FText
AccessibilityColorBlindModeProtanopiaText The text displayed when the protanopia value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting FText
AccessibilityColorBlindModeProtanomalyText The text displayed when the protanomaly value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting FText
AccessibilityColorBlindModeTritanopiaText The text displayed when the tritanopia value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting FText
AccessibilityColorBlindModeTritanomalyText The text displayed when the tritanomaly value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting FText
AccessibilityColorBlindModeSeverityImplementation The implementation for the accessibility color blind mode severity settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemAccessibilityColorBlindModeSeverity::StaticClas
AccessibilityColorBlindModeSeverityText The text displayed in the accessibility color blind mode severity settings item FText
ControlsRemapImplementation The implementation for the controls remap settings item TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> USettingsItemControlsRemap::StaticClas
ControlsWaitingForKeyPressText The text displayed in the menu item while waiting for the user to press a new key FText