The configuration used for managing settings
API Reference
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
GameplayDifficultyImplementation | The implementation for the gameplay difficulty setting | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGameplayDifficulty::StaticClas |
GameplayDifficultyText | The text displayed in the gameplay difficulty settings item | FText | |
GameplayDifficultyOptions | The array of gameplay difficulty options | TArray<FText> | |
GameplayDifficultyDefault | The default gameplay difficulty value | int | 0 |
AudioMasterImplementation | The implementation for the audio master settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemAudioMaster::StaticClas |
AudioMasterSoundMix | The sound mix used to manage all sound classes | USoundMix* | nullptr |
AudioMasterText | The text displayed in the master audio settings item | FText | |
AudioMasterMin | The minimum value for the master audio settings item | float | 0.0f |
AudioMasterMax | The maximum value for the master audio settings item | float | 100.0f |
AudioMasterDefault | The default value for the master audio settings item | float | 100.0f |
AudioMusicImplementation | The implementation for the audio music settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemAudioMusic::StaticClas |
AudioMusicSoundClass | The sound class used by all music | USoundClass* | nullptr |
AudioMusicText | The text displayed in the music audio settings item | FText | |
AudioMusicMin | The minimum value for the music audio settings item | float | 0.0f |
AudioMusicMax | The maximum value for the music audio settings item | float | 100.0f |
AudioMusicDefault | The default value for the music audio settings item | float | 100.0f |
AudioEffectsImplementation | The implementation for the audio effects settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemAudioEffects::StaticClas |
AudioEffectsSoundClass | The sound class used by all effects | USoundClass* | nullptr |
AudioEffectsText | The text displayed in the effects audio settings item | FText | |
AudioEffectsMin | The minimum value for the effects audio settings item | float | 0.0f |
AudioEffectsMax | The maximum value for the effects audio settings item | float | 100.0f |
AudioEffectsDefault | The default value for the effects audio settings item | float | 100.0f |
AudioUiImplementation | The implementation for the audio UI settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemAudioUi::StaticClas |
AudioUiSoundClass | The sound class used by all UI | USoundClass* | nullptr |
AudioUiText | The text displayed in the UI audio settings item | FText | |
AudioUiMin | The minimum value for the UI audio settings item | float | 0.0f |
AudioUiMax | The maximum value for the UI audio settings item | float | 100.0f |
AudioUiDefault | The default value for the UI audio settings item | float | 100.0f |
AudioVoiceImplementation | The implementation for the audio voice settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemAudioVoice::StaticClas |
AudioVoiceSoundClass | The sound class used by all voice | USoundClass* | nullptr |
AudioVoiceText | The text displayed in the voice audio settings item | FText | |
AudioVoiceMin | The minimum value for the voice audio settings item | float | 0.0f |
AudioVoiceMax | The maximum value for the voice audio settings item | float | 100.0f |
AudioVoiceDefault | The default value for the voice audio settings item | float | 100.0f |
GraphicsResolutionImplementation | The implementation for the graphics resolution settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsResolution::StaticClas |
GraphicsResolutionText | The text displayed in the graphics resolution settings item | FText | |
GraphicsFullscreenImplementation | The implementation for the graphics fullscreen settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsFullscreen::StaticClas |
GraphicsFullscreenText | The text displayed in the graphics fullscreen settings item | FText | |
GraphicsFullscreenEnabledText | The text displayed when fullscreen is enabled | FText | |
GraphicsFullscreenDisabledText | The text displayed when fullscreen is disabled | FText | |
GraphicsFullscreenDefault | The default value of the fullscreen setting | bool | true |
GraphicsViewDistanceImplementation | The implementation for the graphics view distance settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsViewDistance::StaticClas |
GraphicsViewDistanceText | The text displayed in the graphics view distance settings item | FText | |
GraphicsViewDistanceNearValueText | The text displayed when the near value is used for the view distance setting | FText | |
GraphicsViewDistanceMediumValueText | The text displayed when the medium value is used for the view distance setting | FText | |
GraphicsViewDistanceFarValueText | The text displayed when the far value is used for the view distance setting | FText | |
GraphicsViewDistanceEpicValueText | The text displayed when the epic value is used for the view distance setting | FText | |
GraphicsViewDistanceCinematicValueText | The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the view distance setting | FText | |
GraphicsViewDistanceDefault | The default value of the view distance setting | int | 2 |
GraphicsAntiAliasingImplementation | The implementation for the graphics anti-aliasing settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsAntiAliasing::StaticClas |
GraphicsAntiAliasingText | The text displayed in the graphics anti-aliasing settings item | FText | |
GraphicsAntiAliasingLowValueText | The text displayed when the low value is used for the anti-aliasing setting | FText | |
GraphicsAntiAliasingMediumValueText | The text displayed when the medium value is used for the anti-aliasing setting | FText | |
GraphicsAntiAliasingHighValueText | The text displayed when the high value is used for the anti-aliasing setting | FText | |
GraphicsAntiAliasingEpicValueText | The text displayed when the epic value is used for the anti-aliasing setting | FText | |
GraphicsAntiAliasingCinematicValueText | The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the anti-aliasing setting | FText | |
GraphicsAntiAliasingDefault | The default value of the anti-aliasing setting | int | 2 |
GraphicsPostProcessingImplementation | The implementation for the graphics post processing settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsPostProcessing::StaticClas |
GraphicsPostProcessingText | The text displayed in the graphics post processing settings item | FText | |
GraphicsPostProcessingLowValueText | The text displayed when the low value is used for the post processing setting | FText | |
GraphicsPostProcessingMediumValueText | The text displayed when the medium value is used for the post processing setting | FText | |
GraphicsPostProcessingHighValueText | The text displayed when the high value is used for the post processing setting | FText | |
GraphicsPostProcessingEpicValueText | The text displayed when the epic value is used for the post processing setting | FText | |
GraphicsPostProcessingCinematicValueText | The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the post processing setting | FText | |
GraphicsPostProcessingDefault | The default value of the post processing setting | int | 2 |
GraphicsShadowQualityImplementation | The implementation for the graphics shadow quality settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsShadowQuality::StaticClas |
GraphicsShadowQualityText | The text displayed in the graphics shadow quality settings item | FText | |
GraphicsShadowQualityLowValueText | The text displayed when the low value is used for the shadow quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsShadowQualityMediumValueText | The text displayed when the medium value is used for the shadow quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsShadowQualityHighValueText | The text displayed when the high value is used for the shadow quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsShadowQualityEpicValueText | The text displayed when the epic value is used for the shadow quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsShadowQualityCinematicValueText | The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the shadow quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsShadowQualityDefault | The default value of the shadow quality setting | int | 2 |
GraphicsTextureQualityImplementation | The implementation for the graphics texture quality settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsTextureQuality::StaticClas |
GraphicsTextureQualityText | The text displayed in the graphics texture quality settings item | FText | |
GraphicsTextureQualityLowValueText | The text displayed when the low value is used for the texture quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsTextureQualityMediumValueText | The text displayed when the medium value is used for the texture quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsTextureQualityHighValueText | The text displayed when the high value is used for the texture quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsTextureQualityEpicValueText | The text displayed when the epic value is used for the texture quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsTextureQualityCinematicValueText | The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the texture quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsTextureQualityDefault | The default value of the texture quality setting | int | 2 |
GraphicsVisualEffectsImplementation | The implementation for the graphics visual effects settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsVisualEffects::StaticClas |
GraphicsVisualEffectsText | The text displayed in the graphics visual effects settings item | FText | |
GraphicsVisualEffectsLowValueText | The text displayed when the low value is used for the visual effects setting | FText | |
GraphicsVisualEffectsMediumValueText | The text displayed when the medium value is used for the visual effects setting | FText | |
GraphicsVisualEffectsHighValueText | The text displayed when the high value is used for the visual effects setting | FText | |
GraphicsVisualEffectsEpicValueText | The text displayed when the epic value is used for the visual effects setting | FText | |
GraphicsVisualEffectsCinematicValueText | The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the visual effects setting | FText | |
GraphicsVisualEffectsDefault | The default value of the visual effects setting | int | 2 |
GraphicsShadingQualityImplementation | The implementation for the graphics shading quality settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsShadingQuality::StaticClas |
GraphicsShadingQualityText | The text displayed in the graphics shading quality settings item | FText | |
GraphicsShadingQualityLowValueText | The text displayed when the low value is used for the shading quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsShadingQualityMediumValueText | The text displayed when the medium value is used for the shading quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsShadingQualityHighValueText | The text displayed when the high value is used for the shading quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsShadingQualityEpicValueText | The text displayed when the epic value is used for the shading quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsShadingQualityCinematicValueText | The text displayed when the cinematic value is used for the shading quality setting | FText | |
GraphicsShadingQualityDefault | The default value of the shading quality setting | int | 2 |
GraphicsVsyncImplementation | The implementation for the graphics vsync settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsVsync::StaticClas |
GraphicsVsyncText | The text displayed in the graphics vsync settings item | FText | |
GraphicsVsyncEnabledText | The text displayed when the vsync setting is enabled | FText | |
GraphicsVsyncDisabledText | The text displayed when the vsync setting is disabled | FText | |
GraphicsVsyncDefault | The default value of the vsync setting | bool | false |
GraphicsFpsIndicatorImplementation | The implementation for the graphics FPS indicator settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemGraphicsFpsIndicator::StaticClas |
GraphicsFpsIndicatorText | The text displayed in the graphics FPS indicator settings item | FText | |
GraphicsFpsIndicatorValueText | The text displayed for the different FPS indicator type settings | TMap<ESettingsFpsCounterType, FText> | |
GraphicsFpsIndicatorTypeDefault | The default value of the FPS indicator setting | ESettingsFpsCounterType | |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeImplementation | The implementation for the accessibility color blind mode settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemAccessibilityColorBlindMode::StaticClas |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeText | The text displayed in the accessibility color blind mode settings item | FText | |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeNormalVisionText | The text displayed when the normal vision value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting | FText | |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeDeuteranopiaText | The text displayed when the deuteranopia value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting | FText | |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeDeuteranomalyText | The text displayed when the deuteranomaly value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting | FText | |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeProtanopiaText | The text displayed when the protanopia value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting | FText | |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeProtanomalyText | The text displayed when the protanomaly value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting | FText | |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeTritanopiaText | The text displayed when the tritanopia value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting | FText | |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeTritanomalyText | The text displayed when the tritanomaly value is used for the accessibility color blind mode setting | FText | |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeSeverityImplementation | The implementation for the accessibility color blind mode severity settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemAccessibilityColorBlindModeSeverity::StaticClas |
AccessibilityColorBlindModeSeverityText | The text displayed in the accessibility color blind mode severity settings item | FText | |
ControlsRemapImplementation | The implementation for the controls remap settings item | TSubclassOf<USettingsItem> | USettingsItemControlsRemap::StaticClas |
ControlsWaitingForKeyPressText | The text displayed in the menu item while waiting for the user to press a new key | FText |