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The crosshair configuration data asset

API Reference


Property Description Type Default Value
bDisplayCenterImage Should the center image be displayed? bool true
CenterImage The image to display in the center of the crosshair UTexture2D* nullptr
CenterColor The color of the center image FLinearColor FLinearColor::White
bDisplayCenterShadow Should a shadow be displayed behind the center image? bool true
CenterShadowColor The color of the shadow behind the center image FLinearColor FLinearColor::Black
CenterShadowScale The scale of the shadow behind the center image float 1.15f
Rotation The rotation applied to the sides of the crosshair float
SpreadBlendSpeed The blend speed used when updating the spread of the crosshair float 10.0f
bUseGlobalColor Should a global color be used for the sides of the crosshair? bool true
GlobalColor The global color used for the sides of the crosshair FLinearColor FLinearColor::White
bDisplayTop Should the top side of the crosshair be displayed? bool true
TopColor The color of the top side of the crosshair FLinearColor FLinearColor::White
TopLength The length of the top side of the crosshair float 20.0f
TopThickness The thickness of the top side of the crosshair float 4.0f
TopSpread The spread of the top side of the crosshair float 50.0f
TopOffset The offset of the top side of the crosshair float 10.0f
bDisplayTopShadow Should a shadow be displayed behind the top side of the crosshair? bool true
TopShadowColor The color of the shadow behind the top side of the crosshair FLinearColor FLinearColor::Black
TopShadowScale The scale of the shadow behind the top side of the crosshair float 1.15f
bDisplayBottom Should the bottom side of the crosshair be displayed? bool true
BottomColor The color of the bottom side of the crosshair FLinearColor FLinearColor::White
BottomLength The length of the bottom side of the crosshair float 20.0f
BottomThickness The thickness of the bottom side of the crosshair float 4.0f
BottomSpread The spread of the bottom side of the crosshair float 50.0f
BottomOffset The offset of the bottom side of the crosshair float 10.0f
bDisplayBottomShadow Should a shadow be displayed behind the bottom side of the crosshair? bool true
BottomShadowColor The color of the shadow behind the bottom side of the crosshair FLinearColor FLinearColor::Black
BottomShadowScale The scale of the shadow behind the bottom side of the crosshair float 1.15f
bDisplayLeft Should the left side of the crosshair be displayed? bool true
LeftColor The color of the left side of the crosshair FLinearColor FLinearColor::White
LeftLength The length of the left side of the crosshair float 20.0f
LeftThickness The thickness of the left side of the crosshair float 4.0f
LeftSpread The spread of the left side of the crosshair float 50.0f
LeftOffset The offset of the left side of the crosshair float 10.0f
bDisplayLeftShadow Should a shadow be displayed behind the left side of the crosshair? bool true
LeftShadowColor The color of the shadow behind the left side of the crosshair FLinearColor FLinearColor::Black
LeftShadowScale The scale of the shadow behind the left side of the crosshair float 1.15f
bDisplayRight Should the right side of the crosshair be displayed? bool true
RightColor The color of the right side of the crosshair FLinearColor
RightLength The length of the right side of the crosshair float 20.0f
RightThickness The thickness of the right side of the crosshair float 4.0f
RightSpread The spread of the right side of the crosshair float 50.0f
RightOffset The offset of the right side of the crosshair float 10.0f
bDisplayRightShadow Should a shadow be displayed behind the right side of the crosshair? bool true
RightShadowColor The color of the shadow behind the right side of the crosshair FLinearColor FLinearColor::Black
RightShadowScale The scale of the shadow behind the right side of the crosshair float 1.15f